Juba, Yei and Nimulea, Southern Sudan ssunewa@kenwakenya.org


SSUNEWA ultimately aims at empowering PLHIV (especially women & orphaned/vulnerable children) to:
Challenge stigma, discrimination and isolation of people living with HIV & AIDS.

SSUNEWA ultimately aims at empowering PLHIV (especially women & orphaned/vulnerable children) to: Challenge stigma, discrimination and isolation of people living with HIV & AIDS.

Southern Sudan Network of Women with HIV/AIDS (SSUNEWA) is an organization that exists to improve, prolong livelihoods of HIV infected and affected community in Southern Sudan. SSUNEWA is the voice of the infected and affected on the table drawing from known and documented evidence on Greater Involvement of People living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) principle. SSUNEWA ultimately aims at empowering PLHIV (especially women and orphaned/vulnerable children) to:

Challenge stigma, discrimination and isolation of people living with HIV and AIDS.

  1. Care and support to People Living with HIV and AIDS

Activities undertaken under this program include:

* Comprehensive home based care

* Nutritional support

* Education of orphans

* Support Group therapies

* Rescue centre

* Prevention of Mother to Child transmission

* Counseling

* Medical support (opportunistic and Opportunistic infections treatment) referrals

* Economic empowerment e.g. Through Income Generating Activities

  1. Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Support.

* Primary and secondary school support

* Secondary school fees support

* Vocational training support

* Counseling (individual and group therapy)

* Medical support (Opportunistic infections and Antiretroviral Therapy)

* Clothing support

* Nutritional support/Feeding program

* Community   education forums that address, peace, water or such issues affecting communities.

* Youth involvement through folk media & puppetry

* Training of advocacy teams

* Holding leaders’ sensitization and lobby forum

* Media lobbying forum.

* Active involvement in policy development and lobbying of policy makers

* Networking and collaboration with like-minded organizations

* Education through IEC materials.